President Ndayishimiye pledges to promote food security

On the occasion of the celebration of World Food Day, the Head of State His Excellency Evariste Ndayishimiye arrived in Mutaho zone, Mutaho Commune of Gitega province where he joined the various cooperative members in plantating corn seeds in Nyabisaka radiation center.
This 25 hectare Nyabisaka radiation center will be a school for all the surrounding hills. The Department for the Promotion of Agricultural Sectors and Non-Lignal Forest Products is involved in the management of this center. There are plans to build there a large storage infrastructure and a crop processing factory.
The President of the Republic has granted to the best cooperatives in this province of Gitega manure produced by FOMI company, hoes, picks, watering cans, seeds of vegetables and motor pumps.
In his speech, the Head of State His Excellency Ndayishimiye again talked about the objective of the responsible and hard-working government to see all Burundians free in terms of their food security.
“This world day is celebrated at a time when our country has taken an important step in food security and the fight against poverty. We encourage the Ministry of the environment, agriculture and livestock, the population and entrepreneurs for joint work “, said the Head of State while calling on all the development partners of the agro-pastoral sector to make their development plan for the agricultural sector theirs.
The government of Burundi has promised to continue to subsidize chemical fertilizers, to continue the anti-erosion hedges program, to promote selected seeds and breeds of cattle, etc. All this in order to ensure food security, added the Head of State.
He also urged the leaders to develop fields serving as radiation centers every municipality and province of the country.
President Ndayishimiye, however, reminded some Burundians who stop consuming not for lack but for bad habit, the necessary elements for the body which are lipids, proteins and carbohydrates.
He took the opportunity to announce to the population that nutritional education centers will be set up in each health center to help mothers and children.
World Food Day is a global day celebrated annually around the world on October 16 under the auspices of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization. This organization has just celebrated the 75th anniversary in an exceptional context where countries around the world face Covid 19 pandemic.