Head of State launches construction works for a COVID-19 screening center in Gihanga Commune

The President of the Republic His Excellency Evariste NDAYISHIMIYE officially launched, this Friday, October 16, 2020 in Gihanga commune of Bubanza province, the construction activities of a center specialized in the fight against COVID-19 pandemic.
In his address, the Head of State indicated that this activity is part of the gradual campaign of screening and managing the COVID-19 cases.
The President of the Republic emphasized on the danger linked to this pandemic which has become a global threat. “This is why the government has made the fight against this scourge the top priority”, the Head of State said.
Noting that this pandemic has so far spared our country, President Ndayishimiye called for vigilance : “Burundians must always be careful and prevent the disease from entering our country”. It is within this framework that centers, like the one he has just laid a foundation stone for, are being constructed . Not only will it be possible to get screened at all the country’s borders, but also to be treated if the results are positive, he revealed.
The President also informed that this campaign will also be part of the electoral promise of equipping each commune with a hospital . His Excellency Evariste NDAYISHIMIYE donated medical equipment equivalent to more than 200 million Burundian francs for 5 health centers built during community works by the population. These are Ruce, Amahoro, Zina, Buhurika and Rugeyo centers, all erected in Gihanga commune.
His Excellency Evariste NDAYISHIMIYE then visited a modern farm called “Life Way Center” belonging to Mr. NDANGAMIRA Prosper. This farm brings innovations at the level of conservation, processing, production of milk and its quality sub-products meeting the internationally recognized standards. This farm located on Buringa hill has more than 300 cows and they plan to constitute a herd of more than 1000 cows. Presently, the project employs 350 people across the entire production line.
Burundi Head of State disclosed that the visit aims at encouraging economic operators to invest in job-creating and innovative projects to improve agro-pastoral production.